Act Fast - this offer expires at 11:59pm on Nov. 30th!
Bootcamp Add On
Normally, for this same price, I offer a 90-minute strategy session where we develop specific strategies just for you. After that call, which is amazing, people are left with the option to either implement the strategies on their own or they can commit to one of my long term packages. Today, I am offering you the 90-minute strategy session AND I am throwing in 2 follow up sessions at no charge! The extra sessions give you more time with me to get extra help and answer your questions as you implement.
Basically, you get a 90-minute Virtual Coaching Call and then two (2) 45-minute calls for the price of one 90-minute call!
Launchpad Add On
The Launchpad gives you the same benefits as Bootcamp + extra one-on-one time with me. You’ll get a 90-minute virtual session with me to help develop specific strategies just for you and your restaurant, but instead of working with me for only 3 months, you’ll work with me for an entire year! After the kick-off call, you’ll have 11 additional 45-minute calls with me so you can get personalized help as you implement the strategies we set up for you.
Intensive Add On
The Intensive Add On has all the benefits of the Launchpad + face-to-face time! Not only will you get the 90-minute strategy call and the year’s worth of strategy calls, I am also throwing in a one day on-site visit to your restaurant. This is my ultimate package and I have never offered anything like this. The clients that I have been working with for 3-4 years, bring me out to their restaurant 1 or 2 times per year at $3,000 per day, and they are paying for coaching and on-site visits separately. The Intensive Add On is an amazing package at a truly amazing price.